Analysis of current wireless Internet distribution technologies, including product lifecycles and pricing. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Audits of prior funding years to ascertain possible entitlement to additional discounts. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Prepare and manage the submission of post-commitment forms, including FCC Forms 486, 472, 473, and/or 500. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Manage processes and procedures attendant to reviews by USAC Program Integrity Assurance. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Calculate enrollment data to determine the applicable discount rates; Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Analyze Funding Commitment Decision Letters (“FCDLs”) to ensure all discounts due under E-rate Program rules. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Manage preparation and submission of FCC Forms 471 and supporting documentation. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Advise on timing of procurement decisions to ensure compliance with both E-Rate Program rules and local procurement laws. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Prepare FCC Forms 470 to request Category One and Category Two services and/or equipment. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Provide comprehensive compliance expertise on E-rate Program rules and eligible equipment and services. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017
Deliver effective and efficient customer service support on E-rate related issues. Vince LaForgiaSeptember 11, 2017