E-Rate Consulting Inc. Announces Renewed Partnership with The New Jersey School Boards Association
For the Sixth Year, E-Rate Consulting Inc. Will Support NJSBA’s Membership Fully Leverage Available Funding Opportunities
MONTCLAIR, NJ — E-Rate Consulting Inc. has once again partnered with The New Jersey School Boards Association for a five-year term (through Fiscal Year 2026-2027) to support school districts and member charter schools throughout New Jersey fully leverage the funding opportunities available through the E-Rate Program.
“We’re thrilled to continue our longstanding relationship with the New Jersey School Boards Association,” shared Vince LaForgia, CEO & Founder of E-Rate Consulting Inc. “As more opportunities become available through the E-Rate Program, like the Emergency Connectivity Fund, our partnership is critical to ensure schools are taking full advantage of what’s available to them
E-Rate Consulting is part of the New Jersey School Board Association (NJSBA) cooperative pricing system, which eliminates the need for a statutory bidding process. All districts belonging to the NJSBA Cooperative Pricing System through ACES membership can begin working with E-Rate Consulting using the NJSBA procurement number #E-8801-NJSBA ACES-CPS.
For additional information on how you can partner with E-Rate Consulting Inc.for support in navigating through the E-Rate process, visit www.erateconsulting.com or email Vince LaForgia (vince@erateconsulting.com) or Geoff Sweeney (geoff@erateconsulting.com).
E-Rate Consulting Inc.
E-Rate Consulting Inc. is a thought leader and subject matter expert on E-rate compliance. They bring 20+ years of experience administering both straightforward and sophisticated E-rate applications and advocating for programmatic improvements.
Vince LaForgia
(973) 200-4815